

ROBINIA pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ and pseudoacacia ‘Tortuosa’, Plant Catalogue – Trees


ROBINIA A group of flowering trees with pinnate leaves and pea-like flowers. They have brittle branches and can be damaged in windy weather. Best grown in a well-drained soil in full sun and a sheltered site.

R. pseudoacacia buy xanax on internet ‘Frisia’ AGM Leaves divided into oval leaflets, golden yellow when young, greenish-yellow in summer and orange-yellow in autumn. Sometimes bears slightly fragrant, white pea-like flowers in long racemes in June. Height round headed tree 5 to 6 metres. Spread 4 to 6 metres

R. pseudoacacia ‘Tortuosa’ Slightly fragrant racemes of white, pea-like, flowers in June. Leaves divided into oval leaflets, deciduous, the twisted and contorted branches are very distinct. Height a slow growing tree, 3 to 4 metres. Spread 2 to 3 metres.