
Plant Catalogue – Shrubs


Our shrub list shows the plants we generally have in stock.

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Some of the more unusual plants we may not be able to supply all of the time due to difficulties with propagation. A mention on the television or in the gardening press  may mean we sell medicine out very quickly. Please remember that plants have to be grown and if they are out of stock it may be that we will have no more until the next season. We can however reserve them for you to collect when they do become available.

The shrubs are separated into several groups on the nursery as indicated below.

S = Sun loving, E = Evergreen/Semi-evergreen, D = Deciduous.

A few other groups of plants are displayed elsewhere on the nursery, though they are described below, these are marked V = Various or SH = Shade tunnel.

When you visit the nursery please pick up a map to show you where the main groups are and to help you locate those plants that do not fit into the mainstream sections. If you cannot find the plant you require please ask a member of staff. We grow the vast majority of our stock and we may have it in our growing area, even if not on display. Most of our plants are displayed alphabetically to make finding them as easy as possible. As you enter the nursery you will find beds showing new plants, those that are in flower or ‘looking good’ and laid out to give ideas of colour combinations. They are not laid out in alphabetical order but they are for sale, unless otherwise marked, and you are welcome to purchase from these displays.