

Plant Catalogue – Perennials


CRINUM Bulb with funnel-shaped flowers. Rich deep, moisture retentive soil. Mulch with manure every other year. Sold as a bulb from January with any remaining potted for sale in pots.

Crinum ‘Cianto Alfa’ Striking, large, white flowers with a central purple-pink stripe in a trumpet-shape from June to July. Large, narrow, floppy, rush like, bright green can u buy xanax over the counter in canada leaves. Height 1 to 1.2 metres. Spread 90 cm.
Crinum x powellii AGM Large, pink, trumpet shaped flowers from July to September. Large, narrow, floppy, rush like, bright green leaves. Height 120cm. Spread 90cm.
Crinumx powellii ‘Album’ AGM Large, white, trumpet shaped flowers from July to September. Large, narrow, floppy, rush like, bright green leaves. Height 120cm. Spread 90cm