
Campsis Plant Catalogue – Climbers


CAMPSIS  Deciduous woody-stemmed climber, attaches itself by aerial roots. Prefers a sheltered position in full sun to ripen the wood and encourage flowering. Can
be pruned in Feb/March.

Campsis grandifloraC. grandiflora Trumpet shaped flowers of deep orange and red carried on the tips of the current years growth in August and September. Mid green leaves made up of many leaflets. Height up to 6 metres.

C. radicans Bears small red and gold flowers. Height to 30 ft. Requires fertile soil.

C. radicans f. flava AGM Large, trumpet shaped, rich yellow flowers in August and September. Pale green leaves made up of up to eleven leaflets. Height to 5.5 metres.

|Campsis x tagliabuana Mme GalenC. x tagliabuana ‘Mme Galen’ AGM Large, trumpet shaped, salmon-red flowers are borne in pendent clusters in August and September. Mid green leaves made up of seven to eleven leaflets. Height to 5.5 m.